Bath Arch&CivE University Students – RIBA Mentoring
On Monday 23rd January, Hobson’s Choice, Bath hosted a celebratory evening for Year 2 Architectural and Civil Engineering Students from Bath University. The group are preparing to go on industry placement in the Spring and the presentation event concluded phase one of their RIBA Student Mentoring.
Students gathered to enjoy drinks and nibbles in our bulthaup kitchen showroom before Jon Watkins, Regional Director of RIBA South West, and their respective Architect mentors spoke. During the half hour talk, a number of students received certificates and talked about their recent experience.
The Hobson’s Choice team spoke to many of the students during the evening and were hugely impressed by the level of professionalism and design knowledge exhibited by all. “ Everyone was full of questions and eager to learn about what we, as a company, do to shape and enhance the interior spaces of our clients homes,” said Richard Carter, hobsons|choice MD.
All of the hobsons|choice team wish each of the students the very best of luck with their industry placements and further studies.
“It was refreshing and highly energising to be in a room with such enthusiastic, passionate people.”
Please get in touch with us if you are planning a project to see how we can help you. Either email us, request a brochure or pop into one of our three studios.